Friday, December 07, 2007

Big Media Fuels Crime's Flames

Mona Charen writes convincingly here how irresponsible news media are guilty of promoting horrible anti-social behavior. Stoking the fire of murderers' inextinguishable lust for fame, news media unhesitatingly report names, photos and identities of crime perpetrators.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Anti Elitism Devices: Start Your Emancipating

Electronic Readers change the way books are created, manufactured, distributed and consumed. An article here by Steven Levy does well in explaining the implications on the future of books and their authors.

Media Free-Fall From Power

Technologically produced transparency and decentralization of power are causing an uncomfortable shake-up inside institutions and felt by individuals that have heretofore been less accountable for their actions. Those with things to hide, or holding position by title or name authority only (as opposed to moral authority), or those arbitrarily or subjectively placed in markets without accompanying value, may find transparency considerably disturbing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Associate Press looks like the kindergarten press

Associated Press writers Melinda Deslatte, Mary Foster, and Cain Burdeau receive a failing grade for leaving a redundant paragraph in this AP article. Paragraphs 17 and 18 are nearly identical. Oops. We know amateurs make mistakes; evidently elite professionals do so as well.

Here are the paragraphs:

Paragraph 17: "A victory Saturday would be a rare trip to statewide office for a minority in the South — in a state that 16 years ago famously saw..."

Paragraph 18: "The victory marks a rare trip to statewide office for a minority in the South — in a state that 16 years ago famously saw..."

Friday, September 28, 2007

Unmasking the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Known wolves are less dangerous that unknown wolves in sheep's clothing. Media should be transparent. Biases and agendas should be clearly known. In that direction I would have it that newscasters would publish who they vote for. As stated succinctly by Jay Nordlinger in the National Review Online "The anchorman of CBS News should attend Democratic fundraisers (as Dan Rather did). The Supreme Court reporter of the New York Times should march in pro-abortion rallies, and then report on them (as Linda Greenhouse did). The U.N. Human Rights Council should have the most murderous regimes on it. It’s all an aid to clarity." Indeed, it would add to transparency, and the wolves would be known.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Columbia U. ...or Censorship U.?

Columbia U. Just Can't Help Soiling Itself In Public

Nice piece found here by David Limbaugh shining the light on Columbia U. (....and still, a most repugnant university) soiling itself with its sharp hypocrisy and rich irony over free speech.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Jewell dead 11 years after NBC bombs his reputation

Another repugnant and deplorable case documented superbly well here of mainstream media's (msm) grizzly reputation-murder.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

News or Propaganda

Forbes magazine publisher Rich Karlgaard smartly writes and found here about the New York Times' pathetic predilection for burying newsworthy events that do not fall in line with its own political views---making it less a NEWS paper and more of a PROPAGANDA paper.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Spent bullets? Hardly. Honest media? Hardly

The Autonomist does a nice job of destroying this fabricated story as posted on the notoriously liberal Yahoo News and from its source-- AFP.

[chuckle] C'mon now AFP, you're bias is showing again. You're gonna have to do better than that in your propaganda efforts.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Illegal immigration todavia es ilegal

A great Coulter piece lambasting illegal immigration.

Is this country of ours an organization of the rule of law or not? If the law is bad, change it. Until then, respect the law. Murder by our own citizens is enraging enough why give sanctuary to criminals who then murder?

All legal immigrants, we welcome you with open arms. Thank you for making this country better with your presence and thank you for respecting the rule of law.

Hollywood's Mission? Americans Are The Terrorists

A great article by Michael Medved hounding Hollywood for its bias-by-omission.