Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart gets it.  The left uses the news media to propagate their worldview, their political agenda.  The leftists news media are wolves in sheep clothing--they are the rankest hypocrites of the most repulsive kind.  They claim they are unbiased yet with every sentence they utter they advocate liberalism, progressivism, socialism.  They claim they are neutral--they are not.  If they were truly neutral both sides would concede that their side of the story was was represented.  Leftists news media is the biggest sham since the propaganda machine of Stalin's state-controlled media.

Right politicians would do well to stop sacrificing the people of their party--freedom lovers--in the name of being popular with the leftists media.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Conservative Activism is Amassing

Conservatives' organization to counteract Leftist Media is sparse.  Still, there is a massive unseen iceberg of pent-up energy for expression and desire for liberty, freedom, personal property and rule of law--conservatism.  There is not yet an organized or coherent or streamlined trajectory or vehicle for these feelings to be channeled.  

The Left has News/Entertainment Media as their vehicle and the Right has talk Radio-- but Talk Radio cannot scale in participation.  Youtube and other internet-based communication sites can scale really well but it is not currently channeled, not organized.  The good news is that it is slowly but surely taking shape, taking form, getting organized into a common direction; and the scale is MASSIVE.

The Left has seen nothing yet; the Left is hand-wringing over talk radio and Fox but that is a pebble compared to the mountain or the iceberg of conservatism that is self-assembling.  You know who gets it?  Breitbart.  He gets it, he really does get it.  You know who the only politician that gets it?  Palin.  And maybe Gingrich.  

The conservative politician that breaks away from the myth that they need the permission of Leftist Media to get elected will be the politician of most influence in the future.  You will know who that politician is when they feel no compulsion to enter into the Leftists' pits of Sunday talk shows.

Surprise-- News Media Not Trustable

Friday, September 09, 2011

The F Troop: How the GOP Candidates Failed Simply by Showing Up at MSNBC/Politico ‘Debate’

The F Troop: How the GOP Candidates Failed Simply by Showing Up at MSNBC/Politico ‘Debate’

Know the concepts, the linked events--the concatenations--that produce liberty and freedom. Know the concepts that destroy liberty and freedom. Seek liberty and freedom.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Perfect Hype

"The media and politicians enjoy a symbiotic relationship during possible impending disasters."

Monday, August 15, 2011

MSNBC hires a liberal political hack as a journalist

Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) continues to openly reveal why it is a farce with the hiring of liberal political operative Al Sharpton as a journalist--a supposedly fair journalist--supposed to be fair and impartial and unbiased journalist.  True to his liberal activism self Sharpton has already made a vow to favorably bias president Obama on all occasions.

Way to go Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation, great hire; you are destroying your credibility faster than conceivably possible.

Democrat caught lying; doesn't care, keeps lying

Obama operative Steve Rattner caught lying about explosive language.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Media Bias

"Don’t think you can sneak your bias into a story unnoticed. Your readers/viewers are smarter than you think and may even be smarter than you. Treat them with honest news coverage and recognize their intelligence. They will reward you with their loyalty and read your stuff with confidence."
"If you can’t do that, admit your bias up front. Your candor will be refreshing to your readers."  Dr. Ron Ross

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Liberal Hate Speech

Amazing is the hatred that has, in the past, oozed out of the leftists media like biological toxicity; now it has become a spewing vomit stream of hate.

Media leftists worldwide

"[M]edia are not in the business of providing facts and data. They are in the business of taking sides."

Friday, July 29, 2011

New York Hypocritical Times

The New York Times claims it is a professional journalist entity--meaning it reports facts not interprets them or advocates political positions.  The NY Times is a hypocrite and a liar.  It is in the business of political advocacy--not professional journalism.

We invite the NY Hypocritical Times to fully disclose its bias--to drop and disavow its false claim of impartiality and declare itself what it is--a democratic party propaganda entity.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Internal war with America haters

America is being attacked internally by the America-hating left.  Leftists despise America; they hate liberty, they hate freedom; Leftists love control, coercion and scarcity.  Hollywood and news media have combined to destroy America.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Matthews is the king of journalistic corruption

No question.  The most deceptive and most untrustworthy talking head in the corrupt leftists news media world is the infamous Chris Matthews.  In his Saturday show themed New Media on his all leftists panel sat the disgraced proven liar Dan Rather--the pillar of leftists new media.

Now, Matthews talks about Drudge breaking the story of Newsweek protecting Clinton by spiking the Clinton-Lewinski story; and typical of a leftist, he derides Vietnam veterans (the hatred the left has for our veterans is staggering) in a shameful distortion of  Swiftboaters; he mocks Palin's accurate comments about death panels and mocked Palin some more (the left truly are juvinile reactionaries when it comes to Palin--a family's mom can yank their chain around and control them like the dogs they are);  but never, not once did they mention the gigantic elephant in the room--they danced completely around it--that new media caused the downfall of the disgraced anchor, the left's super-star, one Dan Rather.  It was citizen journalism that showed the evidence that Rather was using manufactured and corrupt evidence to try to harm President Bush.

Rather is still defiant to this day about it.  Mathews has no journalistic integrity and credibility to talk on this issue and ignore the most prominent event--the Mount Everest of journalistic fraud events that was subsequently exposed by citizen journalism.  Mathews is a joke.  His hypocrisy speaks for itself.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The oblivious leftists news media

Click on. the link above

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Media covers for Obama, again.

The news media is nowhere to be found when the list of Obama's hypocrisy grows longer and longer.  Internal discontinuity is the fodder for journalists.  Exposing hypocrisy is the reason for existence for journalists.  And the liberal media is nowhere to be found.  Where oh where are you, press?  Anyone?  Hello, is anyone out there?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Professional Media clueless about economics

"The media...have given this wild monetary rise a relatively free pass, to the enhanced peril of almost everyone in the world."

Media are the Air Traffic Controllers of our day-- asleep on the job again.

White House punished journalist

The White House punished a reporter for using a video camera and sharing video that embarrassed President Obama.  

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The biggest scandal in U.S. Presidential and Constitutional history with the press complicit in the cover-up

Why is news media hiding and sitting on one of the biggest news stories and scandal in the history of the country?  Has there ever been a more blatant disregard for the rule of law and the constitution of these United States of America?

There is no birth certificate because Mr. Obama was not born in the United States!  And therefore and much more significantly, he CANNOT be president of the United States.  The oath he took to protect the Constitution prohibits him from being president.  How long can will truth be mocked?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Rose's concealment compromises ESPN" say authors

"It looks even worse on the journalism front, with the perception that ESPN is willing to report on the failings of current athletes but sweeps the failings of its own staff under the rug. In fact, a number of fans have already questioned ESPN’s loyalties on this issue in letters to the Poynter Project mailbag."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Leftist media is ugly with hypocrisy

Leftists media is encouraging violence against GOP politicians and the leftists media is silent.  Ugly hypocrisy.

Liberal Universities explained

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

NPR executive caught on video admitting his disdain for conservatives

Click on the link above for video proof of the farce that is NPR.  NPR continues to publicly claim they are unbiased --all the while receiving public tax money.  Defund NPR now!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How liberal journalists think

How liberal journalists think.  Click on link above.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The liberal press has gone AWOL

True to form, liberal media has gone AWOL.

Liberal media is nowhere to be found when union protesters have signs with gun cross-hairs on the picture of the Wisconsin governor.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell is dangerously deceitful reporting about the passivity of intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood.  After only 24 hours removed from an interview of a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood stating clearly of the express intention of the Muslim Brotherhood to establish sharia law, Mitchell was on the air dutifully regurgitating secular socialism dogma that the Muslim Brotherhood is as harmless as kittens.

The liberal media have given a pass to the amateur foreign policy of the Obama administration--one camp stating Mubarak needs to stay and one camp saying he needs to go immediately.

The liberal press has given a pass to the most incompetent, ill-prepared and unqualified candidate and now sitting president in the history of the United States.  He has no experience ever starting or running or being a part of or being an employee of a private sector business, a for-profit company.  His ideal economy is a command economy, a centralized economy, a marxist economy.  He is absolutely clueless about the private sector and free-market economies.  And the liberal press, the secular socialist press love him for it.

The liberal press was AWOL in reporting Obama's favorite professors in college were Marxists.  They were AWOL in reporting that he sat at the feet of a racist preacher for 20 years--20 years!!!  They were AWOL when they omitted his political victories were obtained by eliminating his political opponents--removing them from the ballots.  They were AWOL in reporting that Obama had a predilection for voting "present".  Who does that?  Liberal media gives him a pass on being a smoker, on being a cocaine user, on not providing a birth certificate, of hiding every written document from his college years, of not releasing his medical records.  Never has a candidate been less vetted by the press, and given more of a pass that Obama.  And never has there been a sitting president that is openly embarrassed by the United States of America.

The great Dana Loesch on the power of Citizen Journalism and New Media

I advocate Citizen Journalism and New Media.  The great Dana Loesch advocates Citizen Journalism and New Media; she rightly compares them to the Minutemen that served to deliver liberty and freedom to the colonists from the tyrannical monarchy of the past.

Today we confront and battle the tyranny of propaganda media dressed in the clothes of impartial journalists; media that are puppets for leftists and secular socialists who's purpose is to abrogate your liberty and freedom.

Don't let it happen.  Do not succumb to leftists propaganda; do not wilt or cower to secular socialists like George Soros, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC.  If you love freedom and liberty, secular socialists hate you and despise you, mock you, and want to eliminate you.  Don't give in, don't give up; never let them control you.

Use your camera as a tool to protect freedom and liberty.  Expose the lies, and the errors, the darkness, the corruption, the clandestine agreements of the leftists media to subjugate you.

The leftists media is nothing more that a propaganda apparatus of leftists politicians.  Leftists politicians desire to subjugate your liberty to their own purposes--to enlarge the secular-socialism ideal of state control of personal property.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

It is jaw-dropping amazing how clueless old media is

New media expert Chris Anderson gets it.  He understands what is happening, the trends, the economic realities, the economic principles, the economic forces of our time, the economic gravity of our era; he gets it.

And read how utterly clueless--the depths of cluelessness the Spiegel interviewer reaches.  This level of absolute ignorance is remarkable.  How can anyone be so oblivious to what is happening?  How can anyone as self-supposedly smart as Spiegel be so obtuse?  Precisely for this reason--this very occlusion to reality--of what is really happening--that large media like Spiegel are falling from their perches and falling behind in the race against new media.

You can either ignore principles/realities and harm yourself as a consequence, or, you can learn and understand and demonstrate humility towards principles/ realities and utilize them and benefit from them.  Principles do not bend to accommodate us; principles do not bend to our whim or our liking or to popularity or to governmental fiat or to presidential proclamations; we submit to principles; we contour ourselves toward principles.  We change and modify and conform and reshape ourselves to fit into principles.

The principles Anderson identifies in the article are the very concepts that Spiegel has the most conflict with. This is a neon-bright indication that Spiegel, which is stuck in the 20th century, is on its way out; out of money, out of attention, out of influence.

The contrast in reality of Anderson's comments and the fiction that Spiegel is clinging to:

1) Reality:  Definitions change; Value migrates
What used to be an accurate definition, and what used to be valuable can change into something meaningless, and useless (definitions of words; and actual things like horse carriages).  The implication is that the people most closely associated with or tied to or clinging to the non-reality, lose.

Fiction: Using meaningless words like media, news, and journalism--all constructs of the 20th century that were adequate then to explain reality--using those same words and definitions now is adequate to explain reality.  We have a different reality now, where "news" can come from sources other than "news" sources; where anyone can be and is a "journalist"; "media"--the plural form of the word "medium" as in middle or broker or intermediary.  Who needs the network news media to get news anymore?

2) Reality: Important "news" reaches me after permeating through chosen and trusted filters.

Fiction: "News" can only be obtained at a centrally located and controlled news outlet.

3) Reality: Many individuals (abundance) are more responsive (abundance) to niche issues (abundance) than;

Fiction: A small number of journalists (scarcity) at one centrally located and controlled news broker (scarcity) covering a limited number of popular topics (scarcity) is the best way to create abundance in news.

4) Reality: Sources of "news" other than well-written news stories from established news companies can be valuable as well.  What is happening on my street is important and valuable but of no interest to news organizations.

Fiction: Only new sources from well-written stories from established news organizations is valuable.

5) Reality: to compile, analyze, add value to and distributing information is valuable, and for which there are many business models to do so.

Fiction: Newspapers are the only business model to compile, analyze, add value to and distribute information.  Web-based model cannot support itself.

6) Reality:   Costs are too high offline.  "The math of profit is pretty easy, revenues minus cost. You do your best on the revenue side and if you are not making money you lower your costs. The problem is not that there isn't money to be made online, it's just that our costs are too high."  

Fiction: Its impossible to make money online

7) Reality:  Large amounts of people are making small amounts of money selling news online.  Many of the small amounts of offline news sellers are losing money both online and especially offline.

Fiction: Its impossible to make money online and only the few established news outlets will continue to remain solvent despite the new media.

8) Reality: Online ads are built for immediate transactions and not for building brands.  Offline ads are a good vehicle for branding purposes.

Fiction: All ads vehicles are the same and the expertise of the offline ads can be directly translated to the online environment.

9) Reality: Attention and reputation are as valuable as monetization.

Fiction: Money is the only valuable commodity.

10)  Reality: There is creative destruction.
"There is no law that says that industries have to remain at any given size. Once there were blacksmiths and there were steel workers, but things change. The question is not should journalists have jobs. The question is can people get the information they want, the way they want it? The marketplace will sort this out. If we continue to add value to the Internet we'll find a way to make money. But not everything we do has to make money."

Fiction: There is no creative destruction because the market will arbitrarily be controlled and stop economic progress through legislation, regulation, bureaucratization, lobbyists, tariffs, taxes, special interests, and unions.

11)  Reality:  Money can be made by giving away things for free and monetizing it in another way.  
"The online economy is about the size of the German economy. And it's based on a default price of zero. Most things online are available in a free form. We have never seen an economy this big with a default price of zero. I realized that we needed an economic model to explain how an economy could be based on "free." And we need to understand the psychology of that."

Fiction:  Nothing can ever be given away for free no matter what and expect to monetize it in another way.

12)  Reality: Free is the default price; free is the gravitational price.  The marketplace follows the underlying economics.  "You can be free or compete with free.  That's the only choice there is."   

Fiction:  Somehow, someway things will revert back to the way things used to be and "free" will disappear.

13) Reality: Charge for the niche content or the scarcity and give the abundant popular content away for free.

Fiction: Charge for abundant popular content and give away scarce niche content away for free.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Reciprocity is fair

The information technology of weblogs and Twitter has caused a leveling or has leveled the playing field for athletes against sports journalists.  Athletes have always had to compete up-hill against slanted journalists.  In a way, the journalists have been the hunters and the athletes the prey.  Give the Deer a gun and then you will have a real sport.  Words are dangerous and journalists have wielded them unreciprocated since forever until now.

Reciprocation: journalists are finding out that reciprocation can be an unpleasant experience.  Playing by the same rules seems to have diminished some journalists' bravado and excited others'.  Journalists don't like it that athletes now have a megaphone as well--a platform to tell their side of the story.  Some hate it and some are intimidated by it.  Kudos to those non-coward journalists who are not afraid of people's ability to defend themselves; for people's ability to bring to light the truth; for people's ability to shine a spotlight on inauthentic and corrupt journalism.  Only the corrupt hate reciprocity; only the corrupt hate mutual benefit.

Congratulations to the authentic and honest sports journalists:
          "Journalists practically beg athletes to be honest. We want them to be provocative, fun and raw.  And as soon as they are -- particularly if it's an opinion with which we disagree -- we annihilate them for their original thoughts."

A real separation is now possible between legitimate sports journalists and the corrupt. 

And athletes, just because you can tweet doesn't mean you should tweet; remember, reciprocation.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Liberal Media and Democrats Exploit Shooting for Political Purposes

Democrat politicians and liberal media are the scum of the earth for their heartless depravity--exploiting the death of innocent people for gruesome political purposes--blaming everyone except the murderer.  Democrat politicians and liberal media reveal who they really are, what they really a farce of the journalistic profession and an insult to the pursuit of honesty and truth.