Monday, August 15, 2011

MSNBC hires a liberal political hack as a journalist

Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) continues to openly reveal why it is a farce with the hiring of liberal political operative Al Sharpton as a journalist--a supposedly fair journalist--supposed to be fair and impartial and unbiased journalist.  True to his liberal activism self Sharpton has already made a vow to favorably bias president Obama on all occasions.

Way to go Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation, great hire; you are destroying your credibility faster than conceivably possible.

Democrat caught lying; doesn't care, keeps lying

Obama operative Steve Rattner caught lying about explosive language.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Media Bias

"Don’t think you can sneak your bias into a story unnoticed. Your readers/viewers are smarter than you think and may even be smarter than you. Treat them with honest news coverage and recognize their intelligence. They will reward you with their loyalty and read your stuff with confidence."
"If you can’t do that, admit your bias up front. Your candor will be refreshing to your readers."  Dr. Ron Ross